moundsville penitentiary

moundsville penitentiary

Backstage as the wicked witch with my daughter

Backstage as the wicked witch with my daughter

bobby mackey’s music world

bobby mackey’s music world

waverly hills sanitarium

waverly hills sanitarium

Intuitive Abilities and education

At the age of 5, I was living with 3 entities who resided in my closet.  This wasn’t your typical “I’m afraid of the dark” scenario.  I was terrified of them at first and named these three spirits Dracula, Frankenstein and Bloody Mary.  In a way to quell my anxiety about their presence, I became friends with them.  My thought was, ‘Don’t let them know you’re afraid’.  That way, I was tricking them into thinking they were my “friends”.  I would lie awake at night for hours having conversations with them. 

As a kid, I would write ghost stories and draw “ghost maps” where I thought ghosts lived if I saw a house or place that gave me that feeling.  I would make it look like a treasure map and give them to my friends. 

As a teenager, I started making my own Ouija boards with notebook paper and a tape case as a planchet.  I was a cheerleader at the time, and my main question was “what will be the score of our game”.  At that time, I got an attachment from a spirit who called himself GT.  We used to take pictures, and there was a white blur next to me when we “summoned him”.  He would say possessive and sexual things to me through the Ouija board, and it started to really scare me.  I stopped doing this and would try my best to never tell the story, think of the letters GT or ever say his name aloud.  I have to admit, I am still a bit frightened by this spirit.


In my early 20’s I thought I was haunted or being visited by aliens.  It has been diagnosed as sleep paralysis, but I do believe that some of these dreams were visitations from spirits.  I would feel three strange entities watching me as I slept, right next to my bed.  It felt more real than waking life.  I also have had moments where I thought I was levitating off of my bed, and could see my body below me. 

I feel a lot from people.  The living, that is.  It becomes overwhelming and it can cause social anxiety.  I try to mask it, but I come home exhausted.  Recently, I have been trying to receive this as a good thing; to not be afraid that I am reading peoples thoughts and feelings.  It can be a wonderful thing to connect to the living, but it has taken me time and I still have my moments. 

In my videos in the media section, you can understand more about my intuitive journey that I have been told I am supposed to share with you, so I will.  Most recently I have discovered at a rapid pace that I also have mediumship abilities. I am learning how to navigate this world. My mother has also seen a full bodied apparition and shadow figures in my childhood home. I have a great-great grandmother who was labelled a witch because of her abilities. are these things passed down? i believe so. every type of investigator in the paranormal field is needed; skeptics that keep us grounded and have an easier time debunking information, researchers, techies (which i consider myself in this area as well, since I have been in radio for most of my adult life) and spiritual advisors.

formal education:

I have a bfa in theatre performance from southwest missouri state (now missouri state) a masters certificate in screenwriting and tv writing from missouri state, and two years of study at the school of metaphysics where I studied dream interpretation and a host of other metaphysical techniques.